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Local weather 26°C/79°F, light rain

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Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort

デュシタニ クラビ ビーチリゾートは、手付かずの白い砂浜へと続くトロピカルガーデンに佇む、究極の隠れ家リゾートです。美しいプラベートビーチと優雅なタイのおもてなしが、お客様をお待ちしております。美しく切り立つ岩壁、熱帯のジャングルに滝や洞窟など、クラビ州のエキゾチックな風景に囲まれたクロンムアンビーチに位置しております。バンコクから飛行機ですぐの当リゾートでは、240室の客室とスイート、美しいビーチフロントのプール2つ、様々な料理をお楽しみいただけるレストラン、トロピカルガーデンにある静かな癒しのスパなどをご用意しており、ご家族のバケーションに理想的です。




ブック ナウ&セーブ





dusit thani krabi beach resort - Beachfront Lifestyle




「美しいビーチにある穏やかでトロピカルな雰囲気の素晴らしいホテル」Y8708MDmichaelf トリップアドバイザー

Immersive Experiences

Basic Thai Expressions

In this fun class, participants will immerse yourself in the fascinating richness of Thai language and culture in this fun class. Learn essential Thai phrases and expressions for everyday conversations, such as greetings, introducing yourself and asking for directions, and elevate your stay in the kingdom.

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Eco Community Market

Visit a sustainable community aligned with natural rhythms and patterns, that celebrates life and its diversity by bringing together artists, musicians, organic farmers, visioners, teachers, healers, plant-based chefs, naturalists, conservationists and more. Come and see how this group of people come together to share skills and knowledge, empower each other and expand consciousness for a more inclusive and beautiful world. Contact us

Koh Klang, Island Community

Known as Middle Island, Koh Klang is home to a community committed to preserving traditional ways of living. Despite its central location, close to Krabi Town, the island and village are relatively unknown to the outside world. Join us to cruise along a river abundant with wildlife to visit the enclave; experience authentic Thai village life including artisans crafting their wares. Contact us

Traditional Batik Painting

Batik art can be seen all over Krabi, most commonly on the sarongs and t-shirts worn by both locals and tourists at the beach. Work with an expert to explore the delicate processes of this island art, including waxing and dyeing. Discover about Krabi’s colourful designs – typically bright tropical flowers and marine themes – and learn to apply them freehand onto natural fabric.

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Pandan Leaf Flower Making

Widely used in Thai and Southeast Asian cooking as a flavouring for rice, beverages and pastries, pandan leaves are also used to wrap savoury food and for decorative flower making. Join us to pick the leaves from our garden and learn to transform them into roses and flower bouquets.

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Lotus Flower Making

Lotus flowers are often seen as a symbol of purity, strength and resilience because they rise from murky waters every morning, blooming without stains. Join our in-house expert for a private class to gather lotus flowers from our peaceful pond and learn to fold them in traditional ways.   Contact us


This ancient practice is increasingly popular in our modern world and provides a retreat from the hustle and bustle of life, especially when you experience it on our tranquil beach and lawn. Join our resident yogi to strengthen your body and mind and reap the many mental, physical and spiritual benefits in all areas of your life.

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Sound Meditation

Discover the power of sound to focus the mind. Soothing, resonant frequencies anchor the mind in the present moment and allow you to let go of distractions. Lie back in our BeWell Studio and let the healing tones of our Singing Bowls wash over you to enhance mindfulness and relaxation. Contact us

Tai Chi

There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has the power to treat or prevent many health problems, and it’s suitable for participants of all levels. Join our Tai Chi master at CocoVida lawn to practise with a refreshing breeze and beautiful view of the Andaman Sea.

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Ice Bath

Not only effective for fast recovery after an intense workout, an ice bath can also unlock a multitude of benefits, including reduced stress, a stronger immune system, more energy and increased willpower. Begin the session with a 20-minute meditative breathing exercise, before immersing yourself in the ice bath for 2 to 15 minutes.

Contact us

Muay Thai

Master “The Art of Eight Limbs” in a private session delivered by a professional Muay Thai instructors. Improve your striking technique and develop a Muay Thai fighter’s conditioning at our purpose-built Thai boxing ring and gym.   Contact us

Aqua Board Wellness

Choose from a range of aquatic group exercise sessions that help to burn calories, tone muscles and improve fitness in fun and challenging ways. Aqua Fit, Aquaboard YOGA and Aquaboard fitness are scheduled weekly at various times and held at the CocoVida Pool. Contact us

VIP Longtail Tour

Experience eco-luxury travel on Krabi’s most iconic and exclusive long-tail boat. Cruise in style, and comfort on a private tour of the four local islands of your choice, and enjoy the combination of local charm, personalised service and exceptional cuisine. Consult with our staff to craft the perfect itinerary in the ideal vessel.

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Stand-Up Paddling Tour

Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world! We believe that's because it's a fun, low-impact activity that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy together. Master the techniques in a private session and paddle out to explore gorgeous Andaman waters and the pristine coast of Klong Muang Beach. Contact us

Mangrove Kayaking

A crucial part of Krabi’s coastal ecology, the mangrove forests are a hidden gem among the area’s best natural attractions. They provide nurseries for fish and crustaceans, protect the coastline from erosion and filter the water and air. Aside from their ecological value, these fascinating forests offer enchanting waterways through which you can kayak. Contact us

Mountain Bike Tour

Mostly flat and peerlessly beautiful, Klong Muang and Krabi are best explored on two wheels. Ride out with the sea breeze in your hair to discover rubber plantations and pineapple fields, hidden villages and stunning coastlines. Contact us


Head to Spirit Mountain for a different kind of rock-climbing. In this lush tropical garden directly adjacent to a massive jungle-covered limestone karst, you’ll find numerous caves and large open areas punctuated with fruit trees and tropical vegetation. Take your time to scale the rock faces for an excellent workout that also calms and sharpens the mind.

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Ecosystem Restoration Project

Enhance your stay by connecting to the community: join an eco-project like the seagrass conservation initiative in Aonamao. Seagrasses supports biodiversity, clean the surrounding water and help take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Because of these benefits, seagrasses are believed to be the third most valuable ecosystem in the world and you can participate in preserving it. Contact us

Homemade Jam Making

Create your own delicious jams from seasonal exotic fruits. Under the guidance of our experienced chef, you will learn the art of selecting the finest fruits, preparing them and cooking them into flavourful spreads. Build a new skill to impress your friends and take home a delicious souvenir.

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Celebrate Life

Perfect for honeymooners, anniversaries, birthdays, surprises and engagements, this dining experience is all about you and your loved ones. Create moments to cherish at an intimate table on the beach, decorated with flowers and candles to create a captivating atmosphere under the stars. Gaze at the ocean as you dine on an exclusive a la carte menu of Thai, Italian, Indian or vegetarian cuisine, accompanied by a variety of wines and signature cocktails. Contact us

Private Chef’s Table

Spend an evening with our executive chef transform seasonal and local ingredients into a dinner to remember. In this exclusive, exciting and delicious experience, you’ll have the full attention of an expert chef and the chance to ask questions and learn about the signature cuisine and secret recipes at Toh Kin Khaw Contact us

Thai Classics

Put on your chef’s hat and join an interactive cooking class with Chef Wi to explore the art of Thai cooking. Using vibrant spices and aromatic herbs, you’ll learn to make three dishes from traditional recipes and master skills to impress your dinner party guests. Contact us

Thai Cocktail Course

Master the art of mixology with a Thai twist. Working with our star bartender, learn to match ingredients with the perfect spirit and how to concoct craft cocktails with fresh local herbs fruits and liquors. Contact us

Local Chef’s Table

Join us on a culinary journey at Toh Kin Khaw as our  Chef fuses cuisines from around the world. Explore textures, forms, flavours and modern techniques through the elemental themes of earth, wind, fire and water as we serve the world at your table. Contact us

Leaf Art Workshop

Explore the beauty and versatility of the leaves in our garden as an artistic medium. Under the guidance of our experienced instructor, you will learn various techniques to transform ordinary leaves into stunning pieces of art.

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Batik Handkerchief Making

Unleash your little one’s creativity while learning the traditional art of batik in this interactive workshop. Under the guidance of our skilled Kids Club Team, children will discover the ancient technique of using wax and dyes to create intricate patterns on fabric.

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Pizza Making Class

Entertain kids and grown-ups in a fun and exciting class making pizza with a professional Limoncello chef. Explore the sensory delights of dough kneading and get creative with your toppings. Contact us

Our Accommodations

dusit thani krabi beach resort - Deluxe Room



dusit thani krabi beach resort - Club Prem Sea

デラックス シーフェイシングルーム




dusit thani krabi beach resort - deluxe-club



dusit thani krabi beach resort - Club Prem Sea

クラブプレミアム シーフェイシングルー


dusit thani krabi beach resort - prem-sea-stu



dusit thani krabi beach resort - prem-1bed



dusit thani krabi beach resort - prem-pool



Culinary Experiences



ココヴィダ プールバー

ココヴィダプールの横にあるバーでは、タパス、ピザ、ハンバーガーなどの人気軽食メニューのほか、「BeWell」コンセプトのもとヘルシーなオプションも提供しています。 豊富なドリンクセレクションには、特製ラムカクテルやモクテル、上質なジンとクラフトビールを取り揃えております。 プールサイドでリラックスしながら軽食を楽しんだり、涼しい潮風と素晴らしい夕日を眺めながら夜の始まりを過ごすのに絶好の場所です。






Toh Kin Khaw(トー・ギンカーオ)とは、タイ語で「ダイニングテーブル」を意味し、エキサイティングでインタラクティブな食体験をお楽しみいただけます。専門シェフによる、地域や季節の食材を使用した美味しくエキサイティングなコースメニューをご堪能ください。日中の時間帯は、厳選された本格的なコーヒー、アイスティー、フレッシュジュース、タイをイメージしたカクテル、ヘルシーな軽食をご用意しております。トー・ギンカーオは、プライベートイベント、パーティー、グループでのお食事にも最適です。

How to Get Here

Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort

155 moo 2, Nong Thale, Muang, Krabi 81180, Thailand

+66 (0) 7562 8000



タイ南部でゆっくりお過ごしになりたいのであれば、クラビが理想的なホリデーデスティネーションです。デュシタニ クラビ リゾート周辺には、ライレイ、ピピ諸島、コーランタなどの有名な観光地もあります。この地域には、ジャングルに覆われた石灰岩の岩壁、滝、洞窟などがあり、エキゾチックな野生動物も生息しております。クラビの全長150kmもある海岸沿いには、150以上もの島々が点在しており、ホワイトサンドのビーチとターコイズブルーの海が美しい海岸線を生み出しております。この地域では、様々なレジャーアクティビティーをご提供しており、アイランドホッピング、シュノーケリング、ロッククライミング、シーカヤック、ジャングルトレッキング、スキューバダイビングなどをお楽しみいただけます。クラビは熱帯雨林気候で、5月から11月にかけてモンスーンシーズンで雨が多く、ピーク時には温かい日差しをお楽しみいただけ、11月から4月は乾季となります。クラビ空港まではバンコクから飛行機が毎日数便飛んでおり、フライト時間は80分ほどで、便利な送迎のお手伝いもさせていただきます。デュシタニ クラビ リゾートは、クロンムアンビーチに位置しており、リゾートタウンのアオナンから車で20分ほどの距離です。


  • Thailand Tourism Award - Kinnaree Gold Award “Resort Accommodation”
  • Apollo Award - Customer Choice Award “Gold”
  • Holiday Check Award 2019
  • Top 5 Star Hotel Partner 2019
  • TUI Top Quality 2019


  • Thailand Hotel Standard
  • World Luxury Hotel Awards - Luxury Spa Resort
  • Loved by Guests Award Winner - Hotels.com
  • Thailand Esco Project
  • Thailand Tourism Standard (Resort Standard) 2017 – 2020


  • Thailand Tourism Award - Kinnaree Gold Award “Resort Accommodation”
  • Gold certificate - Green Hotel Project 2021
  • Gold Award and Nuad Thai Premium for Linger Longer Spa - Thai World Class Spa Awards 2021
  • Traveller Review Awards 2021 - Booking.com
  • Customer Review Awards 2021 - Agoda.com
  • HolidayCheck 2021 Special Award
  • Thailand Hotel Standard 2021-2023 (Resort standard 5 star)
  • Thailand Mice Venue Standard (TCEP) 2019 – 2021


  • Thailand Mice Venue Standard 2022
  • ASEAN Tourism Standard (ASEAN Green Hotel) 2022 – 2024
  • Traveller Review Awards 2022 (9.1) - Booking.com
  • Wellness Center, certified by the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine as a Health Spa, 2022.


デュシタニ クラビ リゾートにてご利用いただける、すべての施設とアメニティを最大限にご活用ください。プールまたはスパでのリラクゼーション;陸や海でのエキサイティングなスポーツ;シーサイドでのスタイリッシュなお食事をお楽しみください。専門のチームが優雅なタイのおもてなしで、お客様のお手伝いをいたします。


  • リンガーロンガースパ :ワールドクラスのスパ
  • DFiT フィットネスセンター
  • ビーチへ直接アクセルできる2つの屋外プール
  • ヨット
  • カヤック
  • 自転車レンタル
  • ビーチバレー
  • テニスコート
  • バトミントンコート
  • 卓球
  • ウォータースポーツセンター
  • ムエタイリング


  • ビジネスセンター
  • ホテル全館でご利用いただけるWi-Fi(無料)
  • ツアーカウンター
  • ギフトショップ
  • デュシットクラビファミリークラブ
  • ベビーシッターサービス
  • コンシェルジュデスク
  • 両替
  • ATM
  • 24時間対応のルームサービス
  • ホテル外ケータリング
  • 空港リムジン/送迎/シャトルサービス
  • 市内へのシャトルバンサービス
  • ランドリー/ドライクリーニングサービス

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