
欢迎光临五星级豪华城市高尔夫度假村新加坡拉古娜都喜天丽酒店,在这里您将享受到令人难忘的体验和友善热情的泰式款待。酒店位于拉古娜国家高尔夫度假村俱乐部内,四周风景迷人,是新加坡首家可直通两个锦标赛高尔夫球场的酒店。 ​​

酒店拥有 198 间装饰高雅的客房和套房、8 个厅、室内外会议活动空间,各色美味佳肴令人垂涎欲滴。其他设施包括三个游泳池、一个高尔夫果岭、一个健身房和都喜特色泰丽水疗中心。放松身心、去探索,您会发现一个充满活力的生活方式体验地,在这里留下美好的回忆。


​Pastry Art Class for Kids

Let your young chef unleash their creativity and explore the joy of pastry making with our experts. This hands-on experience in our fully equipped kitchen promises endless fun and delicious treats, including a complimentary vanilla milkshake to pair with the tasty creations your child makes. Priced at SGD 32 per participant; minimum of 6 children per session. Contact us

Picnic Time

Embark on a delightful outdoor adventure and enjoy the beautiful scenery with a delicious picnic basket packed with everything you need. Indulge in smoked salmon bagels, moo ping ciabatta, crispy chips and fruit. Sip on refreshing juices and enjoy a memorable outing with your loved ones. Simply book at least 48 hours in advance and let the adventure begin. Contact us


体验革新!​拉古娜练习场的高尔夫球路径跟踪练习场是新加坡首家此类练习场,它重新定义了球场体验,将功能性训练日变成了激动人心的家庭亲情活动。 联系我们


星耀樟宜拥有众多游乐景点,可让全家共享欢乐。​顶层有很多适合年轻人和身老心不老的老年人的休闲场所--从天桥漫步、探索滑梯到镜子迷宫、雾碗,甚至还有巨大的天网。​夜幕降临时,您可以前往 40 米高的室内瀑布欣赏灯光和音响表演,或者在资生堂森林谷中缓步而行,那里舞动的灯光将树木照亮。 联系我们


徒步樟宜码头海岸步道,在日出日落时分欣赏超世绝伦的海岸线美景。 有六种徒步路线可供选择——夕阳径、奎笼径、石崖径、帆船径、海滨径和小湾径——每条线路都有自己独特的风景和动物。 联系我们

向 Leadbetter 高尔夫专业人士学习

打高尔夫球是家庭聚会、共度美好时光的最佳选择。​ ​新加坡 Leadbetter 高尔夫学院配备了全套经认可的 LGA 专业人员,帮助每个人打磨球技,享受共同学习的乐趣。 联系我们

9 洞高尔夫果岭

准备开球,开始完美的家庭亲情活动。在蜿蜒曲折、郁郁葱葱的球场上穿梭,享受新鲜空气,看看家中谁是果岭高手,一起留下美好的回忆! 联系我们




Sentosa Sensoryscape

Spanning 30,000 square metres, Sentosa Sensoryscape is a night-time spectacle. The trail comprises six sensory gardens highlighting nature, architecture and technology. Immerse yourself in a nature-inspired soundscape, where interactive digital light art and augmented reality ignite your imagination. Contact us


准备好,行动起来,把您的周末排满各种活动吧。这里有无穷无尽的趣味、游戏、艺术和手工艺供您选择,让您在尝试新事物、发挥创意和分享想法的过程中享受美好时光。 联系我们


Cabana Dining

Unwind in the comfort of your shaded, private cabana and treat yourself to a relaxing culinary experience by the pool. Savour delicious grilled dishes, , from juicy burgers to fresh seafood, and sip on tropical cocktails. Bask in the laid-back poolside ambience and make memories with friends and family for a casual gathering or special occasion.   Contact us


我们的泳池亭拥有自己的瀑布湖,其独特的配置和位置让您用餐体验更别具一格。 您可以选择美味的烧烤套餐,并享受四个小时的私人使用权。 联系我们


在优雅的私人餐厅招待亲朋好友,享受难忘的美食体验。我们的厨师会根据您的口味为您精心准备特别的盛宴,让您尽情享受,留下值得珍藏的美好回忆。 联系我们


您梦想过像五星级酒店大厨那样烹饪一手好菜吗?​追随名师,在大厨 Donnapa 的指导下,学习制作泰国美食的秘诀。坐下来享受您的美味创作,还能将食谱带回家,为您的家中来客留下深刻印象。 联系我们


回到过去,参观位于如切保护区的一家古色古香的战前店屋餐厅。 在了解薄饼行当历史的同时,掌握挑选食材并将其卷入薄饼中的技巧,让您的美食体验充满乐趣。 联系我们





Oil Blending

Create your own personalised blend in this interactive essential oil workshop. Guided by an experienced aromatherapist, explore the properties and benefits of various essential oils and learn how to combine them to achieve specific therapeutic effects such as relaxation, energy boosting or stress relief. Contact us

Herbal Compress Making

Explore the traditional art of creating and using herbal compresses for therapeutic purposes in an interactive workshop that's ideal for wellness enthusiasts. Select and combine your herbs, explore preparation techniques and learn how to use your compress to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation. Contact us

FITFAN Personal Training 

Work with a certified professional to get individualised exercise guidance and support to achieve your fitness goals. FITFAN coaches tailor workout plans to suite your unique needs, whether you're focusing on weight loss, muscle gain, improving athletic performance or boosting your overall health and wellness. Contact us


游戏、组队、比赛!​我们美丽的高级合成草皮网球场正等待着渴望运动的你来挥洒汗水。无论您的网球水平如何,都可以使用这些设施,与朋友、家人或教练一起提高您的球技。 联系我们

Yoga Class

This ancient practice originating in India integrates physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote holistic well-being. With roots in the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to unite," yoga aims to harmonise the body, mind, and spirit. It offers numerous benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, mental clarity, and stress reduction. Contact us


每个周日,我们都会为您提供恢复性疗法,帮助您战胜压力,在一周的紧张工作之后为身心充电,让您焕发神采。 与我们的专家和大师一起,寻找适合您的体验。 联系我们


让泳池成为你的健身房重新制定您的健身计划,利用世界上第一个漂浮运动垫 AquaBase,在水上进行 30 分钟融合了 HIIT 和瑜伽动作集体锻炼。 Float Fit 将有氧运动与核心力量相结合,是一种高效、低冲击的锻炼方式。 联系我们


让 Maison 21G 带您赴一场净意清心的芬芳之旅。 ​揭开香水艺术的神秘面纱,制作您的专属香氛,开始您的香氛设计之旅。在奢华芬芳的环境中,发现、学习和探索香水的秘密,与专家一起展现自我。




新加坡唯一的树顶探险场为您提供了一种独特的方式去探索勿洛水库两岸的森林。爬过架在高树冠上的桥梁和障碍物,越过水域,体验惊险刺激的探险之旅。 联系我们

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Now spanning 82 hectares and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Singapore Botanic Gardens was first established in 1860. Explore the lush lawns, ancient rainforests, tranquil lakes, and themed gardens, and marvel at The National Orchid Garden, which showcases the world's largest collection of tropical orchids. Contact us

Go Cycling

Explore Singapore on two wheels with GoCycling, which carries a wide array of options including tandem and children's bicycles. Rent a bicycle at any of their outlets to explore the outdoor sights and gardens of our bustling airport, the Changi Jurassic Mile, beaches along East Coast Park and downtown Marina Bay. Simply return the bicycle at any of their outlets after you finish your adventure. Contact us

Nature and Sustainability Tours

Join the guided walking tours at Gardens by the Bay and discover the area’s sustainable design principles and energy-efficient solutions. As you explore this gorgeous setting, you’ll also learn about the importance and interconnectedness of the natural environment, biodiversity and climate change. Contact us

Pulau Ubin

Just a 15-minute bumboat ride from Changi Point Ferry Terminal, Pulau Ubin is a tranquil island popular with nature lovers and day-trippers escaping the bustle of the city. Sail over to Pulau Ubin to spend a relaxing time admiring historical sites, coconut rubber plantations, fish farms and Singapore’s last-remaining kampong (traditional village). Contact us


将皮划艇探险与激动人心的自然之旅相结合。项目包括 ​渔夫的故事--划皮艇前往乌汶岛参观养鱼场,海岸清洁--生态之旅,在观察海洋废弃物的同时欣赏自然保护区的美景,大自然之路--沿着乌汶岛的四小时旅程。 联系我们



上车,我们一起游览如切和加东,去探寻新加坡华人华侨的历史和文化。您会发现色彩缤纷的店屋、历史悠久的地标、各种商业和工艺品汇聚一处。这里曾是椰子种植园,也曾是城市富人的周末度假胜地。您还可以体验当地的小贩中心或店屋晚餐,为行程锦上添花。在周边地区,我们会看到新加坡的一个老住宅区(您可能会在经典电影《圣杰克》中认出它)和一所战前学校——前身是李光耀小学,现在是一个艺术综合体,内有陶艺、武术和音乐工作室。 联系我们

Walking Tours

The best way to discover the city – embark on an urban adventure with us and experience the liveliness of Singapore by stepping off the beaten track to explore insider stories and exotic tastes. Get your walking shoes and camera ready as you enjoy memorable authentic experiences through the eyes of a local. Contact us


Create your own signature scent based on your personality with this one-of-a-kind perfume-making session at Scentopia Sentosa. Immerse yourself in a self-guided tour of the perfumery and an entertaining augmented reality experience featuring over 300 virtual pieces of art. Plus, you get to bring home your very own aromatic creation, personalised just for you. Contact us


来加东古董屋了解娘惹文化,这里收藏了大量的工艺品、服饰和家具,让您了解拥有华人、马来人和印尼人血统的当地人的历史、生活方式和文化。 联系我们


樟宜礼拜堂和博物馆的展品展示了 1942 年至 1945 年期间新加坡人所经历的情感和痛苦,让人回想起第二次世界大战期间新加坡人所遭受的苦难。选择语音导览,了解更多有关樟宜监狱囚犯的信息。
