Exceptional Offers

Booking directly on our website ensures the best price and exclusive perks.

Join Dusit Gold and benefit from an extra 15% off.

  • Best prices and exclusive offers
  • Personalized experience
  • Flexible booking policies
featured offer

Double Perks and 25% Savings

It’s time to fuel your curiosity. Get complimentary drink, late check out at 16:00 Hrs., and 25% savings on your stay. Unlock an extra 15% discount instantly with Dusit Gold membership, plus insider benefits.

Rates from

THB 4,913++

Featured Offer

Stay Longer

Reserve 21 days early and savor discounts. Save 20% off when you stay 7 days. For a great start to your day, indulge in our breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 6,340++

Early Bird

Book early to secure discount. Enjoy up to 15% savings when you reserve 3 days in advance. For a great start to your day, indulge in our breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 6,828++

Saver Offer

Lock in discounts. Pay now and enjoy up 10% instant savings. For a great start to your day, indulge in our breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 7,316++

Flexible Rate

Enjoy our most flexible offer. Have the freedom to change your stay anytime. For a great start to your day, indulge in our breakfast spread.

Rates from

THB 8,290++

Valentine’s Amore Dinner

Celebrate love this Valentine’s Day with an exclusive beachside Amore Dinner at Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket, set in a truly magical setting.

Rates from

THB 15,184 net per couple

Thai Aristocratic Set Menu Grandeur

Indulge in Benjarong’s Thai Aristocratic Dining: traditional dishes, Michelin Plate Mang Korn Lui Fai, and a family-style set menu. THB 3,990 net for two.

Rates from

THB. 3,990 nets per 2 persons

Beach BBQ Buffet Night

Join us every Wednesday and Saturday for a delightful beachside BBQ featuring fresh seafood, premium meats, and international flavors under the stars.

Rates from

THB 2,060 net per person

Italian Buffet Night

Enjoy a memorable Italian Buffet Night at La Trattoria, with a diverse array of authentic flavors that bring the heart of Italy to your table.

Rates from

THB 1,942 net per person

Featured Offer

Local Feast

Experience a vibrant Night Market & Beach BBQ Buffet at Dusit Local Feast Delights with fresh seafood, live music, cultural performances, and local treats by the sea.

Rates from

Free Entry

Valentine’s Amore Dinner

Celebrate love this Valentine’s Day with an exclusive beachside Amore Dinner at Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket, set in a truly magical setting.

Rates from

THB 15,184 net per couple

Dusit Golf and Spa Escape Package

Elevate your stay at Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket with golf, relaxation, and indulgence. Enjoy a round of golf, Thai massage amidst the serene garden, and more for the perfect getaway.

Rates from

THB 5,061 nets per persons

Featured Offer

Authentic Thai Cooking Class

Discover the secrets behind famous Thai signature recipes from Dusit’s Thai cooking class.

Rates from

THB 1,800 net per person

Meeting and More

Host your MICE event at Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket. Enjoy exclusive perks, local delights, and premium benefits tailored to elevate your experience.

Rates from

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